I know they say self-admission is the first step to recovery but I have no interest in any 12 step program to pull me away from this incredible store. (Maybe for Nordstrom though?.. we will discuss that at another time, or never actually because I am in a serious committed relationship with Nordy's too).
For those of you who are not familiar with Lush it is a fresh cosmetic store, and if you have one located near you I suggest you run, not walk, to it right now. They have absolutely everything from soaps to massage bars. I went a little psychotic there last Saturday with my best friend. Literally we checked out 3 times and tried to walk out without purchasing anything else each time we checked out but somehow our eyes would catch something else we just 'couldn't live without' on our way out.
Since I got so many things I thought I would let y'all in on my purchases (along with a couple samples, they are so great at making samples of things you'd like to try before committing to purchase them) and thoughts on the products. So here goes the haul, along with some reviews of products I have used.
I'm going to start with two facial products.
First and foremost-- Ocean Salt:
(This was the sole reason I was going to Lush. I needed to replace this and I had every intention of walking in, purchasing Ocean Salt and NOTHING ELSE, and walking out. You will see in about 30 seconds that that did not happen at all.. oops.)
Lush says: "Back in 2005, our inventors had come up with a number of fantastic cleansers but there was one category they had yet to conquer: The scrub! A sea salt scrub! With that, they whipped up (our now enormously popular) Ocean Salt. Washing with Ocean Salt is like taking your face on a trip to the seaside for an invigorating splash in the water. We mix in fresh avocado and coconut to hydrate thirsty skin, while the antibacterial effects of lime and vodka is ideal for blocked pores, blackheads or blemishes. The minerals in sea salt soften as it scrubs away dirt and blockages."
Ashley says: I am in love. This was one of the first Lush products I ever bought and I have never looked back. I use it two or three times a week either in the shower or in the morning before my moisturizer and make up. It has controlled my oil levels and as long as I don't over use it (over exfoliating can actually cause excess oil) I have seen a drastic change in my skin. It is softer and brighter as well as clearer! I don't think there is anything else I could possibly ask for out of a scrub.
Grease Lightning:
Lush says: "We’re often too upset over their blemishes to stop and consider what they are; a clogged pore that has become inflamed because of built up bacteria. Let’s take a deep breath together. There you go. Now apply Grease Lightning, our super effective, spot-zapping face gel. The antibacterial combination of thyme, tea tree and rosemary infusion dries invisibly as it goes to work shrinking your mini volcanoes. Our herbal infusion conditions the skin, while grape juice cleanses and keeps spots free of dirt. See? Not so scary after all."
Ashley says: Oh pimples, how I hate thee. Even at 25 you still love to torture me, but alas I have found your kryptonite. Grease Lightning is a spot treatment I use whenever one of those evil bumps appear on my face. I have tried the drugstore brands and they tend to dry out the area I apply them on terribly.. this does no such thing. I just add a little dab to the affected area and it is gone in to time. Plus it is super gentle on the skin and doesn't cause any dry patches for me. Final verdict: WINNER.
Next.. hair products, yes HAIR. I purchased two products and got a sample of two. I loved all four, shocker? Nah.
New! Solid Shampoo (+ the tin to keep it in):
Lush says: "There’s nothing new about our stimulating cinnamon and clove shampoo bar. But, it is incredibly effective at giving you thicker, shinier hair and invigorating your scalp. When stress or life goes to your head, our shampoo will encourage hair growth and motivated tired scalps with spice and mint oils. It’s intense, (in the best possible way), but works wonders on irritated scalps or hair that’s thinning. Rosemary and nettle herbs rejuvenate, and make your hair shiny and soft as a feather. All of this, in one little beautifully fragranced spice bar; are you ready for a NEW shampoo?"
Ashley says: Do not be freaked out, I was at first too but let me tell you this stuff is pure genius. This was one of the hair items I actually purchased and I am so happy that I did. First let's just go ahead and say that if you travel this is a must have considering it isn't an evil "liquid", the tin will have to be purchased as well. One of my main concerns was how it was lather and let me tell you it lathers incredibly. It smells marvelous and I suppose the 'hair growth' claims will be TBD but so far I love it. It has not irritated my scalp at all (which I occasionally have a problem with when it comes to shampoos, even with ones like Paul Mitchell). They have many other kinds of solid shampoos depending on your need, but my current need is healthy hair and hair growth. Hashtag #whitegirlproblems.
No Drought:
Lush says: "No Drought gives your hair an extra day without washing. Just massage it sparingly into your scalp and through your hair, and then shake it out (if you've got long hair, you might need a quick brush to make sure you're covered). Corn flour and talc absorb excess oil and leave locks soft to the touch. Lemon, grapefruit and lime oils will give your hair a fresh and fruity fragrance too. No need to wash; just go!"
Ashley says: I am undecided about this product so far. I have only used it twice and it has worked but for some reason I feel like it is essentially just baby powder.. I know that it is not and it just a visual thing but since I have only ever used spray dry shampoo this is taking a little time to get used to. I'm just not IN LOVE with it like I am all of my other Lush prodcuts. I am hoping it will grow on me thought because let me go ahead and say it does it's job so I suppose that is all that matters. It smells a little like grapefruit so it is freshening scent wise and does control the oil in my hair. It also gives it a little boost of volume so on those days that I do not want to wash my hair (or frankly that I shouldn't wash me hair, because we all know that washing it everyday is BAD BAD BAD) I can just throw it up in a teased ponytail and I am on my way.
Now onto the two samples I received.
BIG! + Marilyn:
Lush says:
Big: "Give limp hair more volume than you thought possible with seaweed infusion to soften hair, and fresh citrus juices for incredible shine. Made with over 50% sea salt, BIG is our most effective shampoo for hair in need of a boost to turn it into sexy, bouncing hair. Full of minerals, sea salt de-greases hair, removing dead skin cells and dirt, without stripping natural oils. The lift comes from debris being lifted from the roots of the hair for major oomph. Plus, we’ve mixed in extra virgin coconut oil, and avocado butter for added softness. Your hair will be bouncing back to life."
Marilyn: "Softness, brightness and shine for blonde hair. Marilyn is for blondes who would like to stay blonde and become even blonder, in a gentle, shiny, and natural way (even if they didn’t become blonde naturally). We make it by hand with softening linseed gel, chamomile for lightness and to calm your scalp, saffron for golden color, lemon for shine, and olive oil to moisturize your hair and keep it soft. Chamomile contains a natural, weak dye that gradually lightens the hair and brings out natural blonde tones with regular use, making hair look more vibrant."
Ashley says: I had to review these two products together because I used them together so frankly I am not sure how they are separately but combined they are MARVELOUS. I am blonde, and I firmly believe we have more fun (sorry brunettes, sometimes I am tempted to go to the dark side though so don't feel left out). This hair moisturizer was perfect. I put it on my dry hair about 30 minutes before I planned to shower, threw on a shower cap and gave myself a little manicure. When I got into the shower I rinsed it out with Big. Now like I said about the solid shampoo, don't be weirded out by this shampoo. Does it have salt in it? Yes. Is that weird? A little bit. Does it lather? TOTALLY. Does it smell good? Yes, and it stays all day. Does it give you volume? ABSOLUTELY. I hate to inform you that I have the sadest excuse for hair ever. It is extremely fine and straight so anything that says volumizing automatically becomes my best friend. After using both of these products together I had the best hair day of my life. Super soft and luxuriously voluminous locks.
I will DEFINITELY be purchasing both of these the next time I allow myself within 50 yards of a Lush store.
Now onto body products.
Wiccy Magic Muscles (+ the tin to keep it in, le duh):
Lush says: "Wiccy Magic Muscles is the spicy, tingly muscle-soothing massage bar for sorting out aching muscles. The first time you use one of these, it feels very strange, as if a heater has been turned on inside the part of your body you just massaged. The Aduki beans are like firm fingertips working to relieve muscle pain and tension. They help to stimulate areas where circulation is slow. Peppermint and cinnamon spice oils work together as a powerful tag team to soothe aches and pains, alternately warm and cool to release tension caused by exertion."
Ashley says: First-- DITTO TO EVERYTHING LUSH'S WEBSITE SAID. Second-- This bar is amazing. Third-- I have started a hardcore personal training workout regimen the past month and it has taken a serious toll on my body. I use this bar to do exactly what it is for, soothe. It smells heavenly and works even better. I also used it a couple weeks ago when I had a super sore nose from a little cold I had.. genius I know.
Aqua Mirabilis:
Lush says: "Give your skin an underwater shower massage with Aqua Mirabilis. Ground almond shells stimulate your bumpy bits and rub away dead skin cells to leave it soft, clear and smooth. Great for caring for dry skin, we make our Aqua Mirabilis body butter with a luxurious blend of cocoa and almond butters with just the perfect consistency to moisturize and sink in easily so your skin is left feeling silky soft, not greasy. For a finishing effect, beautiful sandalwood and rose oils calm redness and lend a gorgeous fragrance to the bar, and your body."
Ashley says: I already had the tin at home! Boom. I originally bought the Buffy bar, I loved it however I did not like the 'film' that it left on my skin. It is their most popular body butter though so if y'all are looking for try one I guess I'd suggest giving the Buffy bar a shot first. However I feel like I've found the perfect match in the Aqua Mirabilis. I use this a couple times a week, normally the same days that I use my Ocean Salt, and I love love love it. It gives my skin a smooth glow and doesn't leave any type of residue on my skin, which I think during those hot Texas months is key, perfect for summer when it is super important to take care of your skin and moisturize.
While I was there I also purchased three little soaps I'd had my eye on to try out before I committed to one. (Let me be clear these were not free samples, I had to buy them!) Their soaps come in huge blocks and they cut off however much you want or however much you want to spend, genius.
Sexy Peel:
Lush says: "It’s time to bring Sexy to the shower. Jump start your morning with a juicy citrus splash of organic orange juice and zesty lime oil. It’s the perfect solution to recharge your sex appeal when you’re feeling sluggish. Simply unpeel your clothes and get to work with our scrubby soap loaded with citrus peels to exfoliate and tone your skin while you suds up. You’ll feel fresh and squeaky clean again in no time and the revitalizing citrus juices and oils will get your senses going."
Honey I Washed The Kids:
Lush says: "Honey I Washed the Kids is one of our best-selling soaps because it’s simply irresistible. People who fully intended to walk past a LUSH shop find themselves unable to resist its sweet caramel fragrance. You’ll inhale, drool, pick up a big chunk and immediately want to wash yourself all over with it. It’s so gentle, buttery and scrumptious you’ll have a hard time keeping it to yourself. The honey water and aloe are so softening and moisturizing, you can use our toffee-scented sensation on the whole family."
Lush says: "Revel in Sultana’s majesty, and have a wash with the royalty of soaps. It looks like a fancy Italian dessert; a giant nougat cake topped with succulent currants and apricots. Smooth a slice of our soft decadent soap all over your body for a creamy lather and the most dazzling bergamot and olibanum scent. Your skin will be delighted and you’ll be left softer and smelling like a fancy candy shop with a touch of fruity sweetness. If you weren’t invited to the wedding, at least you can brush shoulders with royalty in the shower."
Ashley says:
Sexy Peel-- I loved it, it has a citrus scent that to me is perfect for rinsing off after a workout or for a little morning wake up. It has pieces or something inside, frankly I'm not sure what but it feels like a little bit of a scrub and I like it.. a lot. I will definitely be purchasing a block of this one.
Honey I Washed The Kids-- Meh, I wasn't really impressed by this which again is weird because apparently it is one of their best sellers. Oh well.. I guess I just strive to be an odd ball.
Sultana-- I really liked this one as well, it was moisturizing and soothing. Perfect for those days when your skin is feeling a little dry or you just want something 'warmer'. The scent is vanilla-ish so maybe that 'warmer' comment will make a little more sense.
If I were you and you were looking into buying soaps I'd suggest going in and doing what I did, test them out first and give them a smell. They are all divine it just depends on what you are looking for.
Lastly are the bath bombs and bubble bars, these things are to die for. I am not going to do a full review on all of them.. I'm just going to show y'all the ones I purchased. I keep a bunch of bath bombs in an apothecary jar in my bathroom and on the days I feel like a little treat or I've just had a rough day I pick one, throw it in the tub, and reeeeelaaaaaax. Then every time I go into Lush I grab a couple more. I've got quite the collection! These are all based on preference so when you visit your local Lush you can pick which ones you would prefer but keep these in mind, I love all of them.
Bath Bombs:
(Butterball, Sex Bomb, Geo Phizz, Dragon's Egg, Rose Queen and Phoenix Rising)

Bubble Bars:
Lush's Bubble Bars Link
(Creamy Candy, Ma Bar, Sunny Side, Dorothy, Rose Jam, and Yuzu + Cocoa)

Well now that I have wasted two hours of your lives on the longest blog post in history you can indulge your Lush craving with some new treats! You're welcome (and I'm sorry to your bank account in advance)!!
xox, Ashley
All of these look ahhhmazing! I honestly though Lush was just soap bars. Silly me. The hair products and Ocean Salt look amazing! Need to find a Lush store asap.
ReplyDeleteWould you believe I've never purchased a single thing from Lush??? The shame. I am totally headed to North Park this weekend to change that. Great reviews!
ReplyDeleteWhy I haven't come across your blog before, I don't know! But, I'm glad I finally found it :) You're stinkin' adorable! And for real, I must live under a rock having never heard of Lush. But now, I'm convinced I need some of all the products you reviewed. My bank account says Thanks!!