Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Song on repeat.

Random fact: I am a music fiend.

In fact I think if I looked at how much I collectively spend on iTunes over the span of a couple months I'd have a heart attack, so I just don't add it up for my own health.

I know this is so cliche but I like just about everything from my Texas rooted country to the weekly Top 40 and even things you'd NEVER expect ie: my workout music which basically consists of rap and rock or even those open sunroof days when an oldie but goodie tune from the likes of Elvis or Ray Charles is what my ear drums are craving. I am also one of those annoying people in that when I find a good song, I play it on repeat.. and I don't just mean once or twice. I mean 100+ times until I learn every single word and run and feel like I could perform the song in front of a crowd at Madison Square Garden, watch out Beyonce.

Lord help me when I have a child and I can't listen to music at an unhealthy level anymore.

I'll quit rambling but long story short I thought a fun little un-fashion and un-beauty related occasional blog post revolving around my current favorite jam would be perfect-o.

Call Me Maybe -- Carly Rae Jepsen

I cannot cannot cannot get enough of this song, I apologize in advance for this being stuck in your head for days to come as well, but it sure is catchy and obviously my current favorite for good reason.

Enjoy ear drums!

xox, Ashley


  1. It is so addictive that song!!!! I keep singing it haha x

  2. I love it! Definitely a happy tune :)

